Come and play with Nooz and Tay...
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
...and we're BACK!
After a long draught, we are finally back!
We are sincerely sorry to all our DIE HARD FANS!
But due to such requests... being harrased on our phones and mailed to our houses, DEMANDING we re appear... we decided to put all your minds at rest :)
So much has happened since we last met!
Tay knocked her head last year in july where she decided she no longer wanted to continue with pharmacy anymore and take on a career in public health (as you may already be aware)
As the lovely Noora, stayed faithful to the drug company... i mean... pharmacy career :)
So as the story continues... Nooz and Tay have now been split physically...
no longer in classes together... and sharing subjects together [readers: awwwww]
But have no fear... the blog will still appear!
We will continue to brighten your lives with our random stories as our friendship still survives!
Please enjoy your stay here on the blog of Nooz and Tay!
Hope you have a wonderful day! :)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Miracles can happen!

It was during the cold, short days at the start of 2006 that Sandi Thom had her Eureka! moment.
Instead of driving to gigs up and down the country with her band in her clapped-out car, as she had done for years, the singer from Scotland resolved to try a different approach.
She bought a webcam, and announced a run of 21 shows to be performed on consecutive nights during February and March in the basement of her flat in Tooting, South London. The audience capacity in the flat itself was limited to just six people. But the half-hour shows were to be broadcast, free of charge, via her website at
The first night, 70 people tuned in to watch, the next night it went up to 670. And by the middle of the second week she was performing to a peak audience of 70,000. By then, the suits from every major record label had visited the flat to see the show for themselves.
What they heard was a singer with a sensational voice - strong and expressive enough to fill the largest theatres, but also warm and soulful enough to win over hearts and minds in the most intimate of settings. All the record companies put in offers, and a fortnight after finishing her virtual tour Thom signed a recording contract with RCA executive Craig Logan, live in front of her webcam audience.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Love these days is over rated!
These days, certain views that at one stage seemed fixed and proper, are now being altered and moulded with the 'so crafty' hands of society into a new form that is so complex and unrecognisable to someone that may be quite conservative.
Two extremely different concepts are merging together and should so well be categorized into different segments... Lust and Love.
Is 'true love' as they say, possible?
Is love at first sight, with the 'oh so uncontrolable butterflies' actually a real form of love?
Is the phrase' till death do us part' over rated?
In the Baha'i Writtings it says that "Love gives life to the lifeless. Love lights the flame of a heart that is cold. Love gives hope to the hopless, and gladens the hearts of the sorrowful."
The lustful love that is exposed left, right and centre on television, bilboards, magazines, movies and nearly everything we set eyes on, is definately not a love that would give life to the lifeless.
It is a built up fanatasy that demonstrates nothing but temporary happiness.
Happiness that may even last for one day.
To "gladden the hearts of the sorrowful", love needs to be longer lasting and pretty much eternal.
The words 'I love you' are constantly being said, but what does it mean to really love someone?
If your love for anyone or anything is based purely on physical or material means, than this love will only last temporarily...
If your love is based on spiritual, and to an extent, emotional and charactristical love, than this will reflect on others and positive changes will occur in the world with people loving eachother for the right reasons.
In the movie 'the notebook' it says that the best love is the kind that "makes us reach for more..."
"...that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds"
Maybe in our lives we can all attempt to concentrate on things we love about others that are not necesarily materially and physically rooted so it does not just last for a short time.
But a love that is spiritual and will last for eternity.
It is not for those that live in their own bubble...
It is for ALL to observe!
t xo
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Arnotts Tim Tams, Arnotts Crowns, cadbury chocolate's cookies and cream, snickers, mars ANYTHING made from Mr. Coco choco!
What makes it worse, this little devil is not illegal just to put me away from misery...
they even say its GOOD for you and it has health benefits?
GOOD FOR YOU? is THAT wat you saying? WHYYYY peooOOPLE?
well let me just infrom you... all people reading this now... chocolate ISNT that great for you! especially in high amounts.
I had to find an article to stop my addiction one way or another... it was actually going OUT OF CONTROL! (my best friend in times of need)
Chocolate contains stearic acid, a saturated fat.
Saturated fats increase LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels which in turn increase risks of coronary artery disease and coronary death.
It also DECREASES HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol, which is infact the better cholesterol, and by decreasing this it may increase tendencies toward fibrin and plaque deposition in the development of atherosclerosis.
You can see the visual effects of arthrosclerosis in our previous blog entry, which shows you exacly how your arteries will look with high amounts of saturated fats.
So girls and boys that are addicted to chocolate... we now have a LIGGIT excuse to eat less of it... HORRAY FOR SCIENCE! =)
coco's of love,
tay xo
Friday, September 22, 2006
Wake up call People!

The lecturer put this picture up today in the lecture and totally freaked me out...
Ok now listen... im telling you guys cause i love you all! i really do!
For all you that smoke...STOP SMOKING!
For all you that have McDonalds regulary.... yes you may live out out of home and not with your parents, bla bla bla, excuse excuse excuse....STOP NOW...if your eating a Big Mac or McChicken right now...GO THROW IT OUT!
Basically all these products containing cholesterol and bad fats (wont go into detail), clog up your arteries...
and in worst case scenario, all that stuff BURSTS and blocks up arteries, and yep you have heart attack, stroke etc.
Your blood pressure increases becuase it takes more effort for blood to pump through and its soo hard to turn back!
Please guys, look after yourselves... i want to be able to play cards with you, tell stories and go travelling, climb up mountains, go for walks along the beach (yes im serious) and to be able to go to the gym and 'senior aerobics classes' when we retire and are 60!
just for thought...
bundles of love,
tayebeh xo