Come and play with Nooz and Tay...

Monday, September 18, 2006

You just cant trust them!

Unreliable, totally random and super super cool! Urban dicionary is a online slang dictionary that anyone can add to!
Its desinged for 'street talk' and colloquial kinda stuff... yeah?
check it out on
Just for your own personal amusement look up ANYTHING YOU WANT... you would be suprised of what comes up!

On a more 'serious' kind of note, its formaly known cousin, 'Wikepedia', is a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
Wikipedia is more commonly used for assignments and university orientated tasks, but infact, i hate to burst your BUBBLE (cause Noora burst mine), it is an unreliable source where everyone can edit it.

Now you wouldn't want someone off the street like me coming and editing something soo significate and soo techinical that i know NOTHING ABOUT, like my views on public law? or quantam physics.... i wouldnt even have a cluue!

so next time your trying to find a definition... go back to the good old sources like books? have you guys forgotten our friends that are sitting on the shelves, being convered by DUST! and they are much more reliable!

Good luck with your assignments that are due soo very soon for many for you
and for the rest of you go on urban dicionary.

haha look up tay if your bored, funny stuff!



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